Hubcaps Unlimited exceeds the competition for Hubcaps and Wheel Covers


Hubcaps Unlimited started over 43 years ago from a simple idea of providing people with just two items, Hubcaps and Wheel Covers. Beginning this business in nothing more than a three car garage and space heater Hubcaps Unlimited has grown to become the nations most recognized supplier. This truly was a business grown from absolutely nothing. Through long hours and a lot of hard work the founding partners grew and evolved by diversifying into more products and stocking large volumes. Back in the 90′s they were one of the first businesses in the industry to develop a website allowing nationwide coverage of their business. Now able to provide customers a means to simply order and wait for the package to arrive versus the alternative of trying to sift through junk yards and call around this allowed a much more mainstream approach. Fast forward to 2013 and the news of Rick Dynek purchasing the business from the founders and moving forward with a much more professional approach to the web he introduced WheelCovers.Com which is the Brain Child of Rick to create not only the easiest to navigate, graphic and content rich, but also the largest database available anywhere in the world. Aside from the usual bells and whistles Rick has paid attention to every detail in security as well. WheelCovers.Com is proud to be the most secure and safe website in the automotive industry. Top notch encryption including EV SSL gives customers the safe green bar and all of the security that comes with it. Their business philosophy is really simple treat your customers with respect and the same way you would like to be treated. While this may sound both primitive and cliché they say it has allowed a small family owned business thrive for over 43 years and grow to the leader it is today in the industry. 


Original Hubcaps Aftermarket HubcapsChrome Wheel Skins WheelsWheel Simulators Trim Rings 

 Hubcaps Unlimited - Leader in Wheel Covers and Hubcaps for since 1980Largest Supplier of Hubcaps and Wheel Covers - WheelCovers.Com


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